Kahlua is our foundation female miniature chow chow. She is 2 years old, weighs 35 lbs and is 14" tall. Her pedigree stems from bloodlines out of China and Spain. Her muzzles is very thick with a heavy rope and beautiful mane. She has had 1 litter and is an amazing mother. She is very loyal and protective of our family. She is the first to let you know when someone arrives. She loves to play outside and enjoys sunning on the back patio. She is very prissy and loves to cuddle and give kisses!
Meisha is our Chinese imported miniature chow chow female. She is currently 10 months old! She is 23 lbs and 12" tall. She has super tight feet, heavy bone, wide muzzle and amazing hair! She has a phenomenal gait and would look amazing in the show ring. She loves to do zoomies in the house and run circles around the furniture. She is quite the character and has such a fun happy go lucky attitude.
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